Applications for the School Year starting in Sep 24 are now CLOSED. Applications will open for the year Sep 25-26 in Jan 25.

Applications for those with School Years starting in Dec 24 are open until 30 Aug 24, and for school years starting Jan – Jun 25, applications are open until Nov 24.

What we do

The Lloyd Foundation awards means-tested grants towards the costs of an English-medium education, in the UK or overseas, for the children of British citizens who are living and working abroad.

In the 2022/23 academic year, the Foundation gave almost £114,000 in grants to support the educations of 49 children from 32 families. The children that were supported were at school in the UK, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

The Foundation provides grants towards Primary and Secondary school fees at British/International schools in the UK and Overseas. We can also support the costs of boarding at a UK State or Independent boarding school.

For eligibility criteria and information on how to apply, please see our FAQ page.

Eligibility – Who can Apply?

The Foundation supports the education of the children of British Citizens who are living and working abroad. To be considered for a grant, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • One of the legal parents must be a British Citizen
  • The family must be living and working overseas (i.e. not UK resident)
  • The child is to have an English-medium education, whether in the UK or Overseas

Grants are means-tested and there must be a clear, demonstrable financial need.


Find out more

Find out how the Lloyd Foundation can help you with the cost of funding your child’s education… Contact us